
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jordan And Syria

Hello everyone, i have cool news. I just bought my ticket to the middle east im flying to Jordan and Syria and probably Jerusalem for 2 weeks and im really really excited as a matter a fact i have never been to the middle east before. I have read great things about Syria and its a great country to visit and well Jordan has petra which its amazing, also i joined the allianse francoise for some french classes i took 3 years of french at college so i dont want to loose it all. My teacher is french of course and all my classmates hava a incredible level very very good for anglophones, since you know spanish is very closed to french but still different. Anyway loving Ireland and the job is quite good its crazy to see how much Irish people travel abroad, like i never seen anything quite like it its pretty much a country of travelers and i love that because it brings a huge diversity into the Irish culture by itself, also had Mariead's party last week end it was really good cos i got to talk with pretty much everyone and also met a big group of frenchies and got to speak some french and spanish because one of the frenchies spoke prefect spanish so that was great anyway i'll keep you posted




1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lucky you Adrian! I was in Jordan and Jerusalem in 2000 so if you want any recommendations you know who to ask!! :-) Petra is amazing, spend at least two days exploring there...more if you have time. Look forward to pics of Syria.
