
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Art packed weekend in Limerick

So, news regarding us: We're going to Morocco!! Yay!!

Adrian's idea, random of the random, we are going in 3 weeks, just for a week... How exciting! Looking forward to diving into a new cultural experience which is defined in the Lonely Planet as "the greatest show on earth." Apparently, "there's no place on earth quite like this." I'll let you know :)

Yesterday we went to the the Limerick City Gallery of Art to see one part of the Eva exhibition, which is held in 10 locations around Limerick. It was great! We were a little shocked that we were unaware of its existence until just recently... How shameful.

The installation by Haegue Yang (Korea / Germany) called Holiday for Tomorrow caught my attention, and I quote:

"She is interested in contemplating the invisible power relationship in structure of society and in everyday life. Her new installation includes a video essay, "Holiday Story", in which the nature and fact of holiday is quietly yet sincerely commented. Holiday is socially agreed temporary suspension of labour from restless production urge, which only legitimated itself for a purpose of regeneration for the better future production efficiency.

...The installation also includes "Blind Department", which functions as an obstacle of sight that rest of sight is suggested......

...Yangs complex thought on the role of art, cognizing the betrayal aspect of holiday in life, deceiving our expectation of fundamental rest responds to her mental struggle about labour....."

Which led me to wonder if in my time off, I am simply resting so that the next week I will be more productive.However, I also wonder if the artist ever does anything while on "holiday", because I know I definitely never come back feeling "rested"! Although I would like it if we were able to integrate work into our lives so that the two were not so segregated... but then that satisfaction of finishing work, and the build up to time off wouldn't be so sweet. Go check out the exhibition and let me know what you guys think!

Today we took advantage of the free admission on a Sunday to visit The Hunt Museum, and stumbled upon a guided tour in progress with a delightful docent who filled us in on the more amusing and intriguing aspects of a few of the artifacts in the collection.

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as we enjoyed our surprising art packed weekend in lovely little Limerick.


Unknown said...

Lucky you El. Was looking at Morocco recently, would love to visit sometime soon. You must come get the camera to take with you.

thelma said...

Que gusto que disfruten y todo este muy bien Thelma